Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Waste management 101

Waste management is about the collection, transport, treatment, recovery and disposal of waste. Proper disposal of waste is always required to ensure, that reduces your harmful impact on the human population or the environment. There are different types of waste management procedures for the management of solid, liquid gas and radioactive waste. Apart from various fields such as agriculture, maintaining mining and health strict rules for the disposal of waste to follow.


There are studies that show that about 90% of the waste disposed of annually mainly from developed countries, which is approximately 325-375 million tons and toxic waste. express its concern about the growing number of waste are countries each year see UN their waste are sold 60% of the countries around the world express concern Environment Summit in 1992.

Improper disposal can cause that major problems for human health;THE UNITED NATIONS development programme (UNDP) specified that, there are about 5 million deaths a year as a result of diseases such as such as improper disposal. For example, stagnant water and piles of waste can be a source of dengue fever, related tetanus or vermin disease leptospirosis actually in the back yard.

Not all methods are the same, industrial waste disposal would of course different household waste. Urban and rural areas, waste management is also different. Therefore, there are people that specialist officers are employed primarily as waste, tasked with is to ensure that waste is disposed of properly.

Each County would also its own waste management method. There are public authorities and local public bodies who would waste services often have partnerships with the private waste management companies;e.g. in Australia, would have three collection bins for recyclables, General every street corner and garden Abfälle.Haushalte are encouraged to start composting, waste to reduzieren.Dies the same collection in Canada is made; Taipei calculated households and industry for the volume of your Wsastes produced.

Waste management, there is something called the waste hierarchy or the 3 RS: reduce, reuse and recyceln.Diese develops programs, techniques and strategies 3 DVD remains for waste management.Government programs on these principles, such as in the United States based, States that to encourage the rules not collection of farm waste, recycling households would implement.

Another program implemented by the Government would be advanced product stewardship or EPR;It is a strategy that would ensure that manufacturer for your products would be responsible if disassembled by the consumer;the method used in Taiwan is also known as the ' ' polluter-pays principle;Polluter would pay for the impact of waste on the environment.

Certain industries to find, waste management and responsibility for the environment, good opportunity for your own business;Reports increased efficiency, reduce energy costs and also receive local and national Government incentives because Government offers tax discounts for industries, would use the "green" technologies.

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