Friday, 22 October 2010

Waste management: Start composting

Waste management is about waste hierarchy or the 3 RS: reduce, reuse, and recycle. There is too much waste produced in the world, different organizations and countries is fear. Caused the incorrect handling of waste can chemical spillage of liquids, gaseous pollutants and pests.


But why compost? landfills and prison can be a way to get rid of the yard waste, but why bother with composting?, although there are public authorities and private companies to collect waste from homes and industries, landfill sites and incineration plants is not always the best options.

Put stuff in landfills decomposition, would be a waste of space and unnecessary waste in landfills.Yard produces methane, a greenhouse gas that has the potential, explode. For example, 40% of methane emissions is in Asia and Africa Latin America or have some 37 million tonnes out of landfills.

Incineration or burning is not optimal; This could burn on air pollution, round leaves is said that affect human breathing and also increase the risk for chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and allergies.In the United States, some States have a prohibition of the burning leaves and other yard waste eingeführt.Umweltprobleme in Asia, or any part of the world could really affect other parts of the world.

To reduce the waste generated, encourage State home owners make composting Hause.Zum example, Illinois in the United States through the yard waste; This regulation is to encourage House and apartment owners to recover and start composting.

Organic materials can be used as fertilizer to enrich the soil, this is used as compost.Composting organic materials are suing yard trimmings, food waste and animal waste or Dünger.Einige would add also fillers, such as wood chips could accelerate the decomposition of organic material.

What is so good about composting? Here are some composting advantages:

Compost demonstrates better prevent diseases and to enrich Schädlinge.Mit organic materials the bottom certainly is better than using chemical Düngern.Nutzung of chemical fertilisers could have effects on plants, can affect the health of consumers.

• Who can use of organic fertilizers also promote higher yields and effectively solve the problems of the Earth to oil, grease, heavy metals caused by stormwater runoff could effectively remove dumping hazardous Abfälle.Sie.

• Proved even less expensive compared to other pollutants resolution techniques.

Farmers for compost is very important, their cultures and their return.Landscapers compost for areas of landscape architecture as golf courses and athletic fields.They are also excellent for parks, central reservation and other leisure activities.Homeowners find great compost their backyards and vegetable of patches at home.

Compost waste management is a good way to help the environment, waste, economic benefits, because they are cheap alternative compared with other soil amendments.You are a cost-effective way for the revision or contaminated soils of various pollutants away.

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