Waste management and disposal issues is not only a problem with a specific country or continent. It is a global problem that should be treated immediately. Countries and Governments is concerned about the difficulties with their waste management. According to the UN is about 60% of the countries concerned have expressed all over the world on release of solid waste and other environmental issues at the 1992 Earth Summit.
Waste management is important because it is of great importance for public and community health. There may be chemical spillage of liquids which pose a threat to the water supply could. poor landfills and incinerators published cancer cells carcinogen in the air and other pollutants can be;Fly also causes of the pests, insects, and other similar bases of infectious diseases.
People associate often to implement waste management plans and guidelines for the protection of human health and the environment. Other than that can waste disposal various environmental issues such as climate change beeinflussen.Entsorgung waste can also in produces more greenhouse gases, the earth climate warmer.Make landfills in Asia and Africa Latin America is responsible for around 40% of methane emissions are attributed to each year. 40% corresponds to about 37 million tonnes of CO2.
Experts estimated that developed and industrialised countries produce more waste to developing countries; in the United States, each of us is an average of trash;compared 75 tons Jahr.Der European is estimated each year accumulating nearly half a tonne of waste. An average person 2 produced in Asia. many waste every year.
While Asia has the lowest average waste, it does not mean that you have better waste management system.There are studies and surveys in Asia on waste management procedures; After the world China's whopping 190 million tonnes of waste per year not completely correct Entsorgung.Nur is processed with less than 50% of China's solid waste properly, regardless of whether it is through landfilling or incineration.China is not alone; other countries in Asia, the Philippines, India, Indonesia has bad waste management methods.
Works independently of territories and borders on all Verschmutzung.Umweltprobleme in Asia can still affecting North America, Europe and Africa; It is therefore the work between different countries, to each other with environmental protection and waste management help to solve problems.
An example would be efforts between European and Asian countries. European market leader in environmental technology, about 60% of the environment discoveries and technologies came from you.An important role in the Asian countries would different environmental damage in their Asian Nations.happens countries especially aware issues of water and air pollution, waste management for households and industries, deforestation and loss which biological diversity would help.
Countries like the United States and Canada, encourages more people to go back to the basics in the reduction of waste: reduce, reuse and recycle.Government passes laws, regulatory requirements on trash disposal, help homeowners would start House and smart and right waste at home.
Environmental issues are not only a question about a particular country;We should more that we start waste in our home, at work or school to reduce the effects of pollution and climate change.
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